when you make the startmenu......it must be mathmatically correct for example.
the userpane is 500 wide
the logg off pane must also be 500 wide
progs list and placies list are 250 wide
and the all progs arrow background is also 250 wide (all those numbers are examples........)
vstyler also made a very important point, the best way to create yr start menu is to create the whole
image as one image, then cut it up into user pane section..ect. just make sure you cut it right, otherwise, it wont fit and be out.
if you still have trouble.........download a couple of skins that you like, and take a good look at them, disect them, find the sizes they used ect.......blah blah blah ..you get the point!!Â

if you really enjoy skinning.....then dont give up....just plug away a little each day..