Hello everyone, I'm a noob at making icon (and uploading them) so i need some help.
I made by icon. It was an apple logo. i made two types of it. One in the .ico format and the other in the .png format. I also put a jpeg image of it. All three of those were in a .zip file. i uploaded it into the misc. icons section and waited about a day for it to show up on Wincustomize. it didn't show up. instead i got an email message from Fussy Logic saying that the icon wasn't uploaded because of the following reasons:
1. The Misc. Icons. Library is for Windows icons only.
2. Png icons should be uploaded to the Object Dock library.
3. You also need to submit a larger preview image.
For number one. does he mean only .ico files are allowed to be uploaded to the misc. icons section? or is it because my icon is a apple logo.
for three. i don't know how to make the preview size bigger without distorting the image.
Could anyone please help me?