In some cases it will Auto lock/block unreputated shit... Meaning that stuff gets quarantined to protect you due to the fact that the file has no/low user reputation and almost no userbase worlwide.
Oh, yes. Norton is the WORLD'S BEST AV Software.... provided the criterion is how well it succeeds with FALSE POSITIVES.
The really enjoyable part of this equation is how cleverly it can slander and malign another's reputable software...
Norton cannot get its act together to NOT interfere-with-legitimate-software-TOO-DAMN-OFTEN.
The living end [for me] was when Norton decided the Microsoft BITS service was 'suspicious/malware' and PERMANENTLY DISABLED IT.
You had essentially 2 choices.... sift through three pages of command line instructions and registry edits.... or completely reinstall Windows.
I discarded 10 months of subscription and said 'fuck you, Norton 3rd strike'...and switched to BitDefender.
Yes, Norton [from what I since heard] hasn't quite repeated that clusterfuck of a 'slight glitch' and now tends to 'only' annoy the shit out of programmers everywhere with false positives.....
Those outside the 'programming industry' probably see that as an improvement.
I don't.