well after the shift yes I said shift, my cousin and I had to move out of our lovely little flat due to the owner haddnt paid her morgage and the bank had threatened to foreclosure of the unit we had to move out , thankfully the real estate had to find us another place and you will never guess what it is cheaper than the 2 bedroom unit, we have a 3 bedroom house. the unit was $295 pw and the house is $260 pw go figure . anyway after we moved we had not had the internet and had to resort to our cell phone/ mobile phones , stupid iinet ..... anyhow we are up and running and we are just happy lil campers now. I and boyfriend Stephen went around to see Mark aka ( starkers ) we had Dinner with him and spent the time chatting and then we came home, it was a great night altho starkers wasnt too well and I didnt want to keep him up any later I felt he be better off in bed instead of sitting up talking to us..... However N.R.L State of Orrigin starts soon GO QLD HEHEHE so stephen and I and my cousin will be going round to marks to watch it when it starts . its gunna be good