I just noticed it, seems like the part was partly hidden and was therefore not included but it exists 
MHH skip over to another forum??, you mean join other sites?
If that's is the case, I can assure you that I have already done that about 3-4 years ago, due to the criticism that was made here.
It is...
well lets just say much is talked nice.
But that should be noticed by everyone.
I myself am not perfect in what i do, but that was also part of the reason why i switched to other sites about 3 years ago because Wincustom.ize did not give me the inspiration and the motivation to work on my own skills and was lacking inspiration.
It is and will remain a website that i love bc of what the people make of it, those helpfull old guys, even if we sometimes colide heads and even when i do not speak their language very well it remains a beloved place of mine.
But I would like to increase my skill more and more and that is why i joined pages like Dribbble for inspiration as example.
And you know that I am in the forum of pixologic. Deviantart skinners and i also do a lot of research.
Well not as much since studying can be a bitch sometimes. I could use some money but im not craving for a master title here. it would be cool getting it but its not a madatory goal of mine, i rather go and drive around some pizza, it sucks but hey steady income
and free pizza someetimes
And yes it's pretty darn quiet grown here in this topic, it almost seems as if no one would be more interested when uploading nothing.
DO i care? No not realy i just do my thang and if someone like you keeps an eye out for my topic he/she might get lucky and recieves a request totally free if he/she is pationed.
Rather than paying for it. 
PS: let me know what kind of texture your bomber should have
Ohh and cheers having my 3rd 0,65 Liter Desperado atm and im getting kind of hungry