You do realize that CO2 is a poor insulator of heat right? in fact it's approximately 1000 times weaker at holding into heat then Water Vapor.
That fact alone means CO2 can't be a greenhouse gas, or if it is then Water Vapor is 1000 times more dangerous AS a Greenhouse gas.
Secondly, CO2 emissions increase as a effect of heat rise, this is known as "outgassing"
Thirdly, The Carbon Cycle, look it up
Fourthly, we humans cause about 1% of the CO2 on this planet, and CO2 is a trace gas, which is about 1% of the total atmosphere, meaning we humans are effecting 1% of 1% of the atmosphere.
Fifthly, If CO2 levels were rising at dramatically as claimed, Plant life would flourish, and I mean big time, you would have leave sizes in the meters, much like during the time of the dinosaurs. which in turn would respirate more and bring the CO2 levels down and O2 levels up.
Sixthly, CO2 levels fluctuate with the year, as does the heat, and the AGW climate supporters have purposely taken data at the wrong parts of the year to misrepresent that data and have been caught doing so (IE. taking the first data point in winter, then going back to the same place but taking the second datapoint in summer.)
Seventhly, The East Anglia Climate Research Institute which provides the UN and pretty much everybody with the information on AGW, have been caught manipulating their data models to misrepresent data, which they have been caught doing, and so any subsequent data or conclusions based on that data are inherently flawed as a result.
Eighthly, AGW does NOT at any point ever take the Sun into account on any calculation and assumes MAN is the primary cause, this is flawed, scientists have established the SUN as the Primary driver of our climate, so the Hypothesis statement "Man is the Primary cause." is flawed.
and Finally, there are MANY MANY more, and actual Environmental problems that ARE being caused by man that because everyone is so focused on AGW have become largely ignored, which include corporations purposefully destroying resources for the sake of achieving scarcity to keep the prices of products or services high, and keeping processes inefficient for the same reason.
and lastly, the purported "solutions" to AGW include financial compensation, (IE. Paying Al Gore for license to pollute), how does what amounts to an "Indulgence" (Look up catholic theology if you don't know what that is.) fix the environ? It doesn't it just makes Al Gore richer.
Another of the solutions include, deindustrialization, so turning back the hands of time on civilization and return to subsistence level of living. RIGHT, and that helps US how???
and last of the "solutions": Population Reduction, this is the most asinine of the 3, because it assumes that AGW is caused because their are too many people, that the Earth has somehow reached a maximum capacity. Which BTW is a complete falsehood. If everyone was given a 44*44 Sq ft space, which a family of four would add up to a house with a lawn, the ENTIRE population of the Earth could fit into a landmass the size of Texas, though yes it would be just one large suburb but that would leave the rest of the PLANET completely empty. And though that particular scenario wouldn't be tenable it was simply being used to point out that the population of the Earth is no where NEAR a supposed limit, and that we live in dense clusters and the vast majority of the Earth is actually quite empty.