All this really does, is it shows how ingrained FB has become in our social lives. That it now has got to be such a concern to affect ones job or education proves it has grown to powerful. That being said, someone has to be fairly naive to post on your social network sites anything that you do not want the general public knowing, and that includes your employer! As a rule, one should never post something that you wouldn't say out in public.
Rolo, i don't get this part.
that people use their smart phones to check their stuff... This is the tricky part once you surrendered your password or even if you did not they can trace you they will have your cell phone number anyway and the rest is just waiting and observing.
I don't follow you here. My employer, by having my phone number cannot log into my FB or track me. Perhaps i'm misunderstanding what your trying to say. Regardless of how i check my FB, how would my phone number make a difference, unless of course one is silly enough to provide it to Facebook (or whatever social media you use)
I do agree though, that alot of social media sites sell/share or use themselves, your info to spam you endlessly. FB does have some protection from this in it's settings, but you run the risk of that happening just be using the internet. The onus is on the user to be mindful of what you give out and where.
I should hope though that no employers are taking part in this action though. That would be a huge breach of privacy. One does not expect your employer to do anything with your personal details but maintain their own files. (even then, i do give as little as possible to my employers, but that's because i am paranoid!)
ya tell about it Discover this month has sent me 4 apps to get their Credit card .. and it's only the 16th well when I got the last one
For this, and other reasons is why i use an email with my social media sites that's not my maim email. I like to call it my spam email, an email address that i use to log into web sites, but do not use for my own correspondence or other important matters. (that email is rarely given out, only reputable sites have it)
But again, thats always a risk when using the net, and with just some small amount of work, you can reduce that risk greatly.