Corporation: a clever device for separating individual profit taking from individual responsibility. Capitalism: a socio-economic-political system that advertises the free market place, while actually, savagely subverting the 'free market place by "managing," via corporations, both labor, and customers. "Its not personal, its just business." My opinion, it is ALWAYS personal. Western consumers, including myself, have some less expensive products because of what amounts to slave labor. Try to start a labor union in China, and you get 20 years in prison. (Might be better than working there!-LOL.) Make no mistake: living off the slave labor of other humans is a form of cannibalism. (or vampirism, if you prefer). We live better because we consume their lives, we suck their lives dry. At least Hannable Lector was honest about his choices.
Well said. The fact is that all the names for "different" political and economic systems were similarly invented. It's all an excuse/justification and intellectualization for man's sado-masochistic and hateful drives to use others to his own ends with disregard to the fact that everyone deserves to be treated equally and treated as you would be treated. The fact that one person, or a few people thought of or organized a place to virtually enslave others does not make them worthy of living like kings. It makes them worthy of a term of equal servitude under similar conditions.
In fact, that's why programs showing company CEO's spending time working alongside the average worker are popular... and why CNN's "Heroes" is so popular. They recognize that all are equal and show what everyone should be doing and the way to act toward "others".
Enough of "things" before people.
"אל תעמוד על דם רעך" - Do not stand idly by. It also (literally) means do not stand upon another's blood.
"ואהבת רעך כמוך" - Love others as you love yourself. The Golden Rule. Treat others as you would have them treat you, and do not treat them as you would not wish to be treated.
It's not at all as complex as others would have you believe.
Enough of all this savagery.