November 13th 2011 2001 [-sigh-]I became a member here.
For the past few years I've taken the opportunity to look back through the posts I've created and the ones I've replied to.
I look back at all the friends I've made. I remember those that have left our ranks. I review the projects and jokes I've been a part of (or the butt of).
I've been a lurker, a memeber, a moderator, a contractor, an employee, an ex-employee and an employee. The truth is though, the role I've kept the longest and the one that I'm most proud of is "member".
There really are too many people to name specifically; there have been somethign like four and a half million members since I joined, but I wanted to thank anyone who reads this for being part of somehting amazing. Everyone that posts here with a complaint or an idea or a compliment and sticks around has made WC a better place. Even Phoon . . and Bichur . . and Po' and RomanDA, and sViz . . and 2of3, and Xiandi . . and Dani, and MikeB . .and Hankers, and IslandDog and Jafo. and all you other skinners an skin users 
So . . . thank you my friends. Thansk for ten years of good times