Okay folks, I thought it would be nice to continue with a St. Particks's Day Theme. My idea, subject to further input from the community would use those items that we generally associate with the Holiday. I'm thinking: Green, 4 leaf clovers, rainbow, pot of gold, Leprechauns, Irish, The Blarney Stone, Magicial. Did I miss anything?
It would be nice to have skins for the following: (updated to show skin volunteers)
•WindowBlinds (XP, Vista and Win 7) - Vampothika
•BootSkins -
•CursorFX - k10w3
•DesktopX Theme - RedneckDude
•DesktopX Widgets (weather, clock, etc) - Weather RedneckDude, Clock The AV Man
•Dream - Ausvet, amitsaran
•Icons -
•Logons - Frankief
•Object Dock - Backgound G3mpi3, Icons k10W3
•Rainlendar -k10w3
•RightClick - Vampothika
•ScreenSaver - amitsaran, Ausvet
•SysMetrix - Lantec
•Trillian Astra - G3mpi3
•Wallpaper - Frankief, k10w3
•Winstep -
•Xion Skin - k10w3
Other than the WindowBlind I see no problem with having multiple skins in the Theme. This would allow the user to set up their desktiop with different looks. For instance DeskScapes now has a function for changing the background, folks would be able to have their DeskScapes rotate through backgrounds.
If you would like to do a skin that is not listed please leave a comment on the thread.
At the end the themed skins would be wrapped up in a Theme Manager Suite, I have to do something.
We need ideas for a unique name plus design ideas for the WindowBlind. If someone is all ready working on something, all the more better.
Okay, so lets sse some volunteers and hear your thoughts.