Nice work, Jim! I have a question for you... Is it possible for the end-user to change the fonts in a DX skin. I like to try and use the same fonts in all of my apps.
It might actually be possible using the setFont object in a new object to cycle through all exiisting objects and set their font attributes.
also Object.States("name").SetFont
Let you assign all font settings at once.
Object.SetFont fontName, size, boolBold, boolItalic, boolUnderline, boolStrikeOut, lfCharSet
You can leave the last parameter = 0
Object.FontName, Object.FontSize, Object.FontBold, Object.FontItalic, Object.FontUnderline, Object.FontStrikeout
also Object.States("name").FontName, Object.States("name").FontSize, Object.States("name").FontBold, Object.States("name").FontItalic, Object.States("name").FontUnderline, Object.States("name").FontStrikeout
I can look for a script but a request to one of the masters might work better.