Hi K,
I took a look at yr wb, i found a few things to be changed,
I think the all progs button should be a different green when you mouse over it, try to make it the same green as your proglist menu...that would make it heaps better...
i found the more programs menu to be stretched and very pixelated. when it comes to those kinds of menus, its not easy to get a background happening, play with your margins a little, but id be going for a plain colour (just my opinion only)
i would move the taskbarbuttons up 2 pixels, for me they sit too low on the taskbar.
I found the toolbar buttons to be rather a distraction rather then an asset, due to them being the same colour as the rebar, plus having the gold edging...(yet again only my opinion)
I also found the windows background colour to be too distractive....most people prefer white or offwhite.....the tan yellow is too much for my eyes.
on the special shell,and normal shell folders, i found the mouse over button to be a bit rough around the edges when its pressed, not as smooth as the normal button
and i found the font on the special and normal shell folders to be hard to read, purple font on purple just isnt very user friendly. (yet again, only my opinion...)
your font for push buttons is too big, if you right click my computer and choose properties, and choose the advanced tab, you will see that the 'environment variables' has been cut off due to the large font and isnt readable.
I also found the group box top font hard to read also...probably the conflict between green and purple, as they are both secondary colours.
you didnt skin your extra images. its still white dots.
I agree with vstyler about the font..... but its your skin, so its your perrogative (cant spell)
disabled font on drop down menus is impossible to read.....that means you have to work on your *system defined colours* this one is hard to explain, but basically you have to make sure that your disabled font is readable, so its userfriendly to everyone who uses it.
(still talking about disabled font here) I always forget, but im pretty sure its button shadow, buttondkshadow,buttonlight, and or button highlight that controls that section of the colour. if you are not sure, change it to a crazy colour like fluro orange, then apply and see where that colour affects your skin andyour font.....and you can go from there....its pretty easy once you get the hang of it. but also remember that your menu background colour, and rebar colour and possibly the button face colour all co inside with how the disabled font reacts......so its mindful to remember that.
I also encourage you to do your own toolbaricons for explorer, extra and internet rather than just recolour them, and also animations for downloading ect.........
cant seem to think of anything else for now.........
luve kitty