I'd rather more people regesitered and I'd be thrilled if more people subscribed. I hope that the unregistered masses are just at "stage 1" and that they will see the value we offer and step up on thier own.
If I understood your comment correctly, Zubaz (
) I believe in your approach to this. Whispers are heard better than shouts. I feel this is a friendly community and it's approach towards newcomers should reflect that. It should be reflected by the "Welcome" on the "doormat".
Together with that there's a limit on the amount that can be downloaded without registration. WC is not selling the artists' products or any intellectual property. It's a "see if you like it" approach with a limit and a notification to that effect.
The artists/creators are fully cognizant of this as well....they post and with the exception of "My Colors" and "Masterskins" everything is free.
Also, the artists work is reviewed, and as their skills are honed, recognition of this and their "Community" behavior is given, to wit rank. They progress to the point where the process of quality control says "Your work is recognized as of sufficient quality to be sold here."
As I see it, the system in place is win-win, and no one is being forced to participate. Other ideas and suggestions are encouraged and implemented.
So, muckyman....I don't see how you're being injured. I love your work and many others do as well.
I say if the consumer is happy, he/she will become a subscriber. If not, why do you want their name and email address anyway? I seriously doubt Brad Wardell sits around peddling name/email lists to spammers for any reason.
Just my 2 cents, mate. Hope you stay!