In my opinion, skinning have two sides, the quality and the fun, you need booth to notbecome a machine, it's all about balance the things.I've seen some people getting madcommenting peoples skins when they don't like 'em and you know, it's easier trash thangive a constructive advice (sometimes they can get you wrong and take the advice as a punch)One thing we can't forget is the freedom to create and upload what we like/want, of courseyou will not like everything for one reason of another but we can thank, help, advice oreven ignore, but try not to trash peoples works, this will push 'em away and only make the community weaker.PS. sorry for my English
Danillo, your english is just fine by me and you echo the context of what I was trying to say in a previous posts.
Skinning is fun, when it ceases to become fun, you have a problem - a big problem. For some skinners (myself included), I skin what I like to skin and the parts that I feel are necessary for the skin to look good. If that is 3/4 skinning so be it. That is my personal choice, if one day I want to take it to the next level and skin everything completely, that will be my choice as well, no one elses. I don't need to judge someone else's skin and tell them they're doing it the wrong way or they're skinning just for downloads and I also don't have a need to argue with someone if they are just skinning for downloads, if that's what they want to do, why should I tell them different.
I will also argue that most of the users on this site are not sheep as previously eluded to. Think about that kind of statement. If that were true, the bulk of the people visiting wc and downloading skins and buying products from this site are sheep, this site basically caters to sheep... does anyone want to believe that! I sure as heck do not want to believe that. I'm sure the everyday users of this site that download skins on a daily basis don't want to be labeled as sheep. These users just like everyone participating in this discussion come to this site because they made a decision to come to this site, a personal choice to visit this site, all of it's skin sections and they also made the decision to download the skins that they want to download. I can't control them, you can't control them - they will download what they like just like I will.
Control is basically an illusion, the only actions & thoughts you can really control are your own. You can't control someone else's actions & thoughts. The most important thing is to be happy with yourself (even if that means mediocrity in all of it's glory). That's why I guess NT is allowed to make those comments, it sucks for me to read them but I guess I could have chosen not to read them. But I did choose to read them and I even chose to respond to them. Because just as much as certain "master" status users on this site have had an opinion of certain skinners and their work for apparently a period of time right now, in the end it doesn't really matter. Myself and the other skinners that don't have "master" status and quite probably never will, can continue skinning and uploading skins that aren't "master" quality and be happy with them. I am happy with the skins I've uploaded to this site (even the ones that I titled with a color, an act I am "guilty" of performing, fyi - my skins labeled with a color were easier to find when performing a search on this site before the keywords function for the skins was added)
The freedom to skin what I like is something that I have, it's my personal choice to do so and if I receive crazy downloads for it - GREAT! If I don't, guess what, I was happy with the skin before I uploaded it, I liked it and in the end, that's the most important thing to me. I actually use the skins I create on my own machines (novel idea, I know).
Bashing someone's skin in the skin comments isn't constructive criticism, it's destructive. Maybe I don't know anything about the diamond skin and that it's possibly included with the new version of sks, heck I still use sks5 (because it took me forever to get used to it and now that I know it, I'm a little cautious about moving on to sks6) but I was told long ago by other skinners that if a skin is a blatant rip of another skinners skin (say skinner's skin 10 times really fast), you don't post a comment in their skin section, you contact a moderator or admin, present your findings and then let them do the detective work and make the necessary call. That's the accepted way of doing this. It would seem to me that someone with the "master" status should know about this accepted protocol and act accordingly instead of posting comments that could possibly be considered as hurtful, not just to the skinner who uploaded the skin but to the users reading skin comments.
Reading the first few comments in this discussion about how skinners should be skinning fully, doing this & that, etc. Well if that's the case and we're setting such high standards for normal skinners, the unfortunate or possibly more fortunate result is that "master" skinners are held to a higher standard but not just in skinning but in the way they represent this site and the "master" status. If you've been granted the "master" status on this site, you need to take into account that you are held to a high standard, possibly the highest on this site, not just in skinning but in how you represent yourself to this site and it's users (aka sheep) and the skinning community in general. Don't expect to hold me and any other regular skinner on this site to any standards if you can't meet & exceed the expected requirements of a "master" skinner.
There's my 0.02 cents, they were free but still hold alot of value.
Hopefully you can see that I kept this discussion respectable & mature.