Enough of the Troll Thumping Day Suite, that is.
While I am on vacation this week, I wanted to give this new forum section a try.
There are nine screen savers in the series, three for each of the Orders.
The animation was done with Sqirlz Water Reflections and Photoshop CS2,
with permission by Po' Smedley to use the images.
Comments please and if anyone wants to test one or more let me know, here.
Especially those with large display screens, Vista or XP, it does not matter.
Thanks and to the WC Admin, I like the new forum upgrade.
Look Hank, Images...
Order Of The Emerald Flame Screen Saver Preview

Order Of The Emerald Flame (Stoned Frame Version) Screen Saver Preview

Order of the Emerald Flame (The Sir Zubaz Version) Screen Saver Preview

Order of the Black Dragon Screen Saver Preview

Order of the Black Dragon (Stoned Frame Version) Screen Saver Preview

Order of the Black Dragon (The Sir Zubaz Version) Screen Saver Preview

Order of the Stump Screen Saver Preview

Order of the Stump (Stoned Frame Version) Screen Saver Preview

Order of the Stump (The Sir Zubaz Version) Screen Saver Preview

Order of the Stump Screen Saver Preview Animated