just for the record, my nick has nothing to do with a state of undress. there's a time and place for everything, and in front of my puter isn't one of them, just as wincustomize is not the place for naked ladies. no, i'm not a prude, as i admire the beauty of the female form as much as any other red blooded guy, but there's other places for that and i come here for themes and skins to customise my puter. however, the work of kenwas is not nudity by any stretch of the imagination, just a depiction of the female form which couldn't be considered offensive or lewd. I suppose now that i'll throw the cat amongst the pigeons. I note there is no mention at all of the DX nude desktop theme, which is a little more graphic than kenwas' wall, yet still a depiction, hardly offensive, and unlikely to corrupt or influence a child towards obscenities. still, as to a section for naked walls, i don't come here for that and say no to the idea. for those who want to be titillated, there's a wealth of sites on the net for that, but not here. STARKERS