Windows 11 24h2 and Fences 4.22
I recently moved from a triple 1920x1080 monitor setup to a single 1920x1080 and a 3440x1440 display. I found that the layout snapshots now produce a white screen. See below:

Shown is my triple monitor, a dual 1920x1080 a single 1920x1080 and the new combination. My various testing revealed any time I use the 3440x1440 display, the thumbnail is white. Even if the 3440x1440 display is my only monitor, the thumbnail is all white. I have tried uninstalling fences, using the urge_fences.bat file and manually browsing through the registry and file folders to make sure it is gone. it doesn't help. Once thing I have noticed, is even after all that uninstalling and cleaning, the old thumbnails are still present.
After all the uninstall and reinstall, the layout will restore, but the thumbnail is still all white. Any fix for this or anything I need to check and/or provide?