I have created and saved a groupy of four Excel spreadsheets. When I try to pin this groupy to the taskbar, nothing happens.
I try in three different ways - in one of the grouped Excel spreadsheets (1) I click on 'Group, Pin group to taskbar', (2) I drag 'My Excel group' from my saved groups folder (C:\Users\Stephen\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Saved Groups) to the taskbar

and (3) I do the same but from the Groupy folder (C:\Users\Stephen\AppData\Roaming\Groupy), dragging 'My Excel group.groupy' to the taskbar.
In each case, nothing seems to happen - no pin appears on the taskbar. If I close the Excel groupy, no Excel pin appears on the taskbar.
Pinning to the Start Menu (Start11), is similar - nothing appears on the Start Menu, although I can pin the basic Excel app OK.
This is a new PC I am currently setting up with Windows 11 Pro 24H2, with a brand new installation of Stardock apps, currently Groupy 2.2, Start11 2.5 and Fences 5.86 (Revision 8). It worked OK on my older Windows 10.
What am I missing and how do I get this to pin groupys on the taskbar?
Thanks for any help you can give.