Glad Donnie's and RnD's businesses are going well. For those who don't know, RnD also builds computers and sells them.
I also dabble in selling!!! I do build gaming computers and sell them. I also buy laptops, add as much as I can to upgrade to the hilt, and sell. And refurbish, virus removal, etc...
I should say I build custom PCs, built to order.
And TRY to sell them. Not many people buying these days, since a decent graphics card costs anywhere from 400 to 800 dollars. I think bitcoin mining brought the prices up.
Many people, when they ask about buying a gaming PC, they freak out at the price. The graphics card is often half the price of the PC.
I have not yet gotten to the Mac selling level yet. I don't have the demand for them, plus, I like them so much that I tend to want to keep for!!
B.S. errr I meant P.S. RnD pm'd me a copy of his "Business" card and demanded I publish it.
Ok. You got it, Red...muahahaha...guess why them fish ain't bitin'...and why he likes to keep them for himself...