I know exactly where you live, Tom. I've been there. I cannot believe you made a New England skin before an Indy skin. There has to be a state law against this, I tell you. I say that in jest but with our state government, I wouldn't be surprised if there is though. You know, (dramatic pause) a skin for St. Elmo's shrimp cocktail would be nice (hint hint). On a serious note, Tom, I think a skin that uses elements from the area surrounding Seven Pillars and a painting or drawing of Seven Pillars as the wall would be an excellent skin. I'm sure some will tell me to make it myself but everyone who knows me knows that is an impossibility.
Awwwwwwwww... sorry you're upset!
I will get them all done, I have the Detroit theme coming next, and then Jacksonville, but I promise to do Indy soon. 

How have you been, haven't heard from you in ages.