Hi. I am making some headway towards finishing my first Windowblinds skin, but I have run into some problem issues, all of my own creating. Also, due to my inexperience in using SkinStudio. The big two are issues with the taskbar, which doesn't look smooth, but disjointed, it looks like pieces that were put together, and it just doesn't look right. Also, I am having trouble figuring out how to configure the close, maximize, and minimize buttons, which are out of alignment, yet again. But the start button looks ok, if a little squished, would look a little better if it was wider. I will include a couple of screenshots to show what I mean. Also, the start menu should have rounded off edges, but I did something to make it square. I prefer the rounded look. Below are the two screenshots of my most immediate concerns.

I would be happy to share the .wba file if anyone cares to take a look at what I did. If anyone else wants to offer some helpful suggestions, that would great. I also want to express my appreciation for all the hard work, creativity, and time taken to create all the various skins, cursors, wallpaper, dreams, etc. on this website. I have a deeper appreciation of that now than I did several years ago.