To whom is this message in reference to?! Subject matter is about ones desktop, or what (skin) is coming, so, how is your Flaming (in my opinion) pertaining to the Forum subject?
Don't worry about the critics. Some of your skins are my favorites.
Actually it wasn't referencing don5318...but that really is immaterial.
Jafo said it best:
And if the person does not buy it he is exercising his right...but that person shouldn't complain that he doesn't like it or the price is too high. He should simply move on and purchase something else.
It's what polite people do...
Now, hopefully we can move on to what REALLY counts...gorging ourselves senseless on turkey 'n fixins, and the art our skinners (one and all) bless us with all year long.
Let us all give thanks...I do for so many blessings...but high up among them, all of my SD and WC family and friends.
Happy Spirit of Thanksgiving, people.