where can I find him IconPackager
FauxS-TOON Suite by Paul Boyer
Legendary Design for kids
Windowblinds: Link
CursorXP: Link
LogonStudio XP: Link
SysMetrix: Link
WindowBlinds IconPackager DesktopX ObjectBar CursorXP
A fantastic new visual style that makes use of the new features of WindowBlinds 4 and was developed by Paul Boyer.
A clever yet useful DesktopX theme created also by Paul Boyer that can monitor your CPU and drive space status along with a program launcher.
An intelligent ObjectBar theme that can replace the right-click desktop menu with one that is faster and more useful.
A terrific new wallpaper also created by Paul Boyer.
Nearly a hundred high quality icons created by Paul Boyer (designer of the Orion icon suite). Supports sizes from 16x16 all the way up to 128x128.
It does not require any special software to already be installed. Use as little (such as only the icons and skin) or as much (everything) of the suite as you'd like controlled by Stardock's included Theme Manager(TM).