OK, let's stop all this non-sensical discussion. If Andy gets hired by a person to create a Windowblinds skin it is no ones business but theirs. It is their choice and the price he charges is only their business too. I myself have been hired in the past to create a skin for people and the price charged depended upon the skins complexity, ranging from $100 to $250. Their even used to be companies years ago that charged $20K to develop a skin!!! So please, no more complaining. Thank you.
Thankyou LightStar.
This is Business, the same thing goes on all over the world, every minute of every day, neone6 is happy, i am sure i will be happy (he and Vamp have always been my go to Master Skinners of choice), we talked, we made an agreement, and in several days our Business will be complete, until next time. This is the way Business is done.
It's MY money, earned the hard way, I am not giving neone6 anything, he is earning it in the same way i did by bringing a Skillset I Do Not Have, creating something I Want, Just let us do our thing without any crap, if you would not spend your own money like this, good for you, we are all Different, but like i have said before, it's not your money is it.