Neil make a post that alludes that he will eventually start looking into what area's are actually skin-able on Windows 11.
That's just it. If there are enough unskinnable parts, no point in skinning. I would rather have no skin, than an incomplete skin.
Which is why I don't like any of the current attempts at forcing windowblinds to "work". Incomplete is worse than nothing at all. IMHO....YMMV.
I know you do not agree with a lot of the things some of us has done to make things work Red, but we all have a different way of looking at things. Since all of this started and we realised how long WB11 will take to hit the market, some of us Die Hard Fans of WB were forced to look elsewhere. I now have multiple Themes designed for Windows 10 that have been updated to allow them to work with Win11, not all and complete functions work as they were designed in some of those themes, but it is moving faster than WB11 to allow users to customise there desktops.
I have Tron Legacy Theme installed on both a Win 10 SSD and a Win 11 SSD so i can experiment with how it should look against how it now looks. Stardock dropping the ball on WB11 has been an opportunity to some of us to broaden our customising Horizons. Now my main SSD with Win 11 has the Tron Legacy theme installed as default, my everyday machine. I can honestly say reaching out to other methods has kept me sane, yes there are some small changes in the look of the Win11 and Win10 theme , but 98% there is still a result to me and others who can not look at a default Win 11 machine after years of using customisation software, so we are not all the same Red, imagine if we all thought the same, ate the same things, and did everyday things the same, that is a world i would not wish to live in.
I respect your opinion Red but do not share it, i am more than happy with what i am using now, never thought i would say that as a WB user who put the program right at the top of my list when setting up a new Hard Drive, but that is really the case. I will take 98 pennies from a Pound any day of the week as opposed to Nothing at all.
We have all heard the reasons why we do not have WB11, MS this and MS that, but even the Skinners are starting to worry for the Brand, the skins they create and the ongoing delay which will force "Middle Of The Road Users" to leave WB and Stardock in droves, maybe never to return. What are the odds the Devs who will create WB11 at some point say at a later point "We Just Do Not Have The Market Share Or Interest In WB11" anymore.
PhoenixRising1 I could not agree more with the fact that every single thing needs to be skinned to make a skin or theme complete, more than happy were i am now , again 98% is far better than nothing at all.