Sorry to hear you are having issues.
Ok, while working on the clock text I've noticed issues on two skins I'm working on. The clock text seems to be connected to the taskbar button activated text color, and font. Is this a bug, or am I missing something? Is there a way to disassociate them from each other?
Are you talking about the clock text on your secondary monitor taskbar? If yes, than, I believe that is correct, it is somehow connected to the taskbar button text color and from what I know that can not be disassociate. Unless someone else can tell me it can be done.
Concerning image tiling. I'm using screen lines in some of my elements, and for the life of me I can't get rid of one double line on some of the images. I set all the margins to both tile, then to stretch to test, and also set the paint method to both tile middle section, and tile horiz middle section to test. No matter what I do the issue persists. It's not a huge deal, but it seems very inconsistent.
While skinning the Programs side of my start menu I was able to fix it by mashing the left/right margins together, and set paint to tile horiz middle section, but for some reason this doesn't seem to work on smaller images like the taskbar buttons. Anyways, I'd like to apologize for uploading two quickfire posts asking for help, but this has me curious, lol. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
This part, I am not sure, until I can see your WBA file. And check it for myself. Or, wait for someone else more expert on WB Skinning.
Stardock Community Assistant.