Can you say more about how to do this? I went into WindowFX settings and changed the Start Menu animation (open and close) to the default, but the snow globe is still broken in the WindowBlind Red Christmas skin when WindowFX is enabled.
With Win10/Start10/WinFX, setting the Start Menu to "Default animation" within WinFX used to fix it:

I'm on Win10/Start11 now, and I'm seeing the same thing you're seeing - you have to completely turn off WinFX. (I'm not having any luck even getting WinFX to animate the Start Menu.) I don't normally run WinFX, so I'm afraid I have know idea when that might have changed, but if that's not working for you now with Start10 something else may have changed along the way (Win10 perhaps).
Sorry about that, all I can say is "It used to work that way."