Will be releasing a new Windowblinds Master Skin on the site soon called The Blues. Should be on the site by July 12th as it's Stardock Spring Break week. Enjoy!
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always amazes me how you can make a wb so fast, and never run out of ideas. how? tell me
Well, that's a really simple answer. I get inspired by a color, a look, a pattern, anything... and then I toy with some ideas until I come up with something I like. I begin with the start menu, and then I base the rest of the skin around the look of the start menu. I am a Disabled Veteran and I am 70 years old, so I do not go many places unless I need to, so I spend 10-14 hours a day, sometimes more, working on these designs. Some are Master Skins, some are free. When I get paid by Stardock 4 times a year for my Master Skin sales (which have been horrible for the past 3 payments), I then give that money to help the poor and needy (which can be verified).
I have been designing skins since the late 1990's when I did .MSstyle's for Windows XP using a company called TGTSoft's software (StyleXP and SkinBuilder), but when WIndows 7 came out, they shut down and I began using Stardock's great products and have been ever since. Hope this answers your question.