That's nice, but, I have a laptop with an Intel i7 5500U (Brandwell-U) 2.4GHz dual Core, and 16GB of RAM, that's been running flawlessly (On Win 10, came loaded with Win 8.1) since I bought it, but yet it's not good enough, and it has TPM 2.0....hope they make big changes on the hardware end of this new OS....(In regards to Seth's post #24).
The processor thing is independent of TPM 2.0, Don. I've read that their insistence on i8, and Ryzen 2nd generation has to do with chip architecture vulnerability - remember 'Spectre' and 'Meltdown'? Their "fix" caused significant cpu slowdowns.
I know TPM is separate from the CPU, but not everyone can afford to just go out and buy an new pc, or laptop.
Sidenote, I was able to run an Insider Program Dev of Win 11 on said machine, cause for the time being, they are waving the hardware limitation during the Dev edition, I like the looks of Win 11, but it does not like Windowblinds, Start10, and especially Fences, I went through a continuous loop say (Fences Error message) Explorer didn't properly shut down, click close, it keeps popping up, I finally had to do a shut down, by holding down the power button, till it shut down, then I started up and went in and uninstalled all Stardock products, and things ran fine, so, Stardock has there work cut out, but, then, they may already be working on this. Win 11 did get rid of the "ribbon" on Explorer title bar, that's nice, you also (on Dev edition) can't change the taskbar, you can't stretch it, or move it to the right, left, or top, just bottom only, this may change on the final version, so there are some changes.