Yup, I've ordered myself a mobility scooter due to increasing difficulty getting out and about.... home again since I no longer drive and have issues riding a bike, and I can't afford to keep getting taxis every time I need to go out/get home again.
A few days ago I had to go to Bunnings to get a few things, and that's when I decided enough was enough. It's a walk I had done several times, and I got there okay, but on the way home I could barely put one foot in front of the other. It's about a 15 minute walk each way for a fit and healthy person - usually it took me around 25 to 35 minutes each way - but on the way home that day it took me close to an hour, thus prompting the decision to get a mobility scooter.
It hasn't been easy to get out for the last ten years or so due to arthritic hips and knees, lower back issues. However, I was determined to maintain my own independence: on my own two legs... or should I say I was too darned stubborn to avail myself of helpful mobility aids.
Anyway, two scooters will be brought here on Thursday to allow me a couple of practice runs before deciding which one best suits my needs. After that I won't know myself... or should I say restrictions as to where and how far I can go.
Heh, I'll be able to chase - and catch - wild women: "Ere me lovely, do 'e wanna a lift somewhere?" and I'd 'ave ter sit 'er up in tha shoppin' basket cos me knee 'd be too weak n' sore.