Just wondering why they're still has not been an update to this program. It's been a very long time and icon packs are still broken on win 10. I've seen 2 or 3 dozen complaints but nobody from stardock seems to care. All of acematrix icon packs are broken and many people have complained about just that. it's because it hasn't been updated for win 10 that we can't apply high quality icons. It just installs 3 icons out of the hundred or so and then deletes the rest or ignores them.
I have forwarded your report to the Stardock support team for their review and recommendations.
Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates.
We really do appreciate your feedback, thanks.
AzDudeStardock Community Assistant
That's why I don't use it.
You stated the reason...they just don't care.
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Funny cause they're quick to advertise it as part of the object desktop membership but neglect to mention it's broken.
Iconpackager 10 is designed for Windows 10.
Can you be very specific about the problems please, is this all packs, just one pack or?
FYI I'm currently using Blackout from AceMatrix on Windows 10 and all of the system icons in "This PC" (my computer) and on the desktop are displaying correctly. There must be more going on...
It's not all packs, but a good portion of them.
Can you specify which ones please.
We need as much information as possible to investigate the issue as it should be working fine on Windows 10.
The only packs I’ve had problems with are from AceMatrix. BlackOut crushes my computer in which I have to force a shutdown.
The only difference between my Iconpackages and others is the resolution. The resolutions in most of my later packages include the following:
768, 512, 392, 256, 192, 162, 128, 96, 64, 48, 40, 32, 24, 20, 16 -- all are 32 bit depth only.
Threshold is one pack that does not work. As a matter of fact i've tried about 10 of them and none of them work. You guys are acting like this is the first time you're hearing this. Of course, going through the iconpackager comments there are pages of people stating that his icon packs are among the ones that do not work for them. I thought it was just me and looked it up last year and I was alarmed by how many people were complaining that they didn't work, so I just assumed that it wasn't a priority for Stardock. Which based on the number of complaints and lack of support I don't think I'm too far off.
It's mainly the ones by acematrix although there are a few others. One person in the comments last year said it was the size cause as soon as he converted it to a smaller size they worked. Trying to install freezes the computer with a black screen forcing a hard restart.
Maybe Win 10 can't handle all those different sizes.
Just tested BlackOut by AceMatrix, it applies for me. Explorer crashed, but it restart itself up after sometimes.. Maybe, AceMatrix could help to look into the package.
I tested four latest iconpacks from here https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/iconpackager/search/ and it all work without issue.
You guys need to list out which Icon packages that don't work. I don't really think it is Iconpackager issue its more on Iconpackage itself. But, I might be wrong.
Thank you,
BasjStardock Community Assistant.
The maximum icon size that should be probably included in a pack is 256*256 as even at very high dpis that's plenty.
Uncommon sizes like 192 should probably not be included either. In fact anything that's made using a bicubic resize of the latest size is redundant as the OS can create from the 256 version anyway.
I'd like to see live folders fixed.
try applying the same icon pack a second time after it crashes. It deletes some of the icons or black screen the second time for me. I've gotten his icon packs to work on the first try before but reapplying them a second time never works.
And like I said every icon pack that uses large sizes has issues. So I'm pretty sure it's iconpackager's fault for not handling them properly. They must have worked at some point.
I believe I have found what is causing the issue with at least some of my IconPackages that I have uploaded to Wincustomize. To investigate properly , I actually downloaded a few of my packages that were reported as having issues, right from the Wincustomize site. I opened some of the individual icons with IconDeveloper in order to double check the resolutions. To my surprise, I discovered that those files have become corrupted. For example, in the package "Blackout" the highest resolution is displayed as 2234x2225 !!!! No wonder there is an issue. That's even higher than the resolution of my own computer !! That is DEFINITELY not what I originally uploaded. I tried a few others such as "DragonFire" my last upload to the site and it is also corrupted, it's showing in IconDeveloper a resolution in the high end of 744x741 !!! NOT what I originally uploaded. There are others that are corrupted as well ,and I'm not going to wear myself out typing it all here in this comment. I'm really not sure what I should do now. Should I edit all of them and re-upload? It certainly appears that could be a very large and time consuming project. Then of course , there is the option of just deleting all of them so that it will not reflect badly on the IconPackager Software and mess up everyone's computer. The latter seems like the easiest solution to me.
ok , upon further consideration, it only seems fair that those that have downloaded my IconPackages, deserve to have a product that actually works and that they can enjoy. That said , I was doing some tinkering in IconDeveloper, and it seems that making the necessary edits is really not that difficult, albeit a little time consuming , but really I have nothing better to do anyway. So I will begin the process of making the edits and uploading the edited packages and hopefully this will make everyone happy, which is really what I would like to see. Keep an eye out as I will start uploading the edited packages over the next few days.
-- Ace --
P.S. - from what I can tell , neither IconDeveloper or IconPackager are able to properly render sizes larger than 512 x 512.
Great Ace, really appreciate you're taking time to look into it.
It would be better if users put in on the skin comment section so an author would notice if something went wrong. I've been reading comments in BlackOut, yet I don't see anyone saying it is not working.
Quoting basj, reply 21Great Ace, really appreciate you're taking time to look into it.It would be better if users put in on the skin comment section so an author would notice if something went wrong. I've been reading comments in BlackOut, yet I don't see anyone saying it is not working.Thank you,BasjStardock Community Assistant.
Yes , I was really blindsided by this, completely taken by surprise.
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