Thank you for the responsive feedback...
The loading time is still a bit high with a lot of cursors installed, but that's no big deal.
What is 'a lot' - we tested with several hundred and was able to load the UI in under a second.
Cursors no loger show in screenshots.
That is actually intended as neither does the Windows default cursor. CFX2 really should have been this way as well.
Tried to remove all but the one applied at the moment (Svelte) using explorer, no cursors show in the UI (The layout becomes empty)
We were able to reproduce this and I will log it:
After deleting a cursor using the CursorFX UI, current cursor set & colour preset are lost.
While there is some ambiguity on what you expect here, we are going to think this one over on how it should work as how it is now might not be the best way (but may be )
Again, thank you for the feedback, Yrgal.
Sean Drohan
Stardock Support Manager