What I really meant by my comment is that I don't understand Gods timing and I don't believe anyone does, however, God does not owe me an explanation.
Nobody except God himself fully does, IMO. I tend to think a lot about this, so please take the following as my own rambles. 
We live in an imperfect world which is supposed to be that way for a variety of reasons. Here God says 'your will be done' instead of 'My will be done'. This world is our playground and is thus what WE decide to make of it (within limits, of course). If this world isn't better than it currently is, we only have ourselves to blame.
Here we are allowed to be dualistic beings, both good and bad at the same time, like different shades of gray, while in the spiritual realm you can only be either completely Good or completely Bad, there is no in-between. By Good I mean your will is always fully aligned with the will of God (and by that I don't mean there is no free will in Heaven, only that you ALWAYS want to do what God wants, because that is WHO you are). Angelic beings can still rebel, just as Satan did.
The simplest definition of Sin I ever read, is, after all, 'anything that goes against God's will'.
Anyway, everything that happens here on earth is due to a combination of factors, from natural to divine.
We tend to think of God as something external to us, but the reality is that God IS everything that exists and NOTHING exists OUTSIDE of God. You, I, everything and every being are thus but a little piece of God. And so, nothing can happen without God knowing about it. Some things happen by God's permission and others because God actually wants them to happen, and only God knows which are which.
So, someone can die because that was God's will for reasons only He knows, or they can die because genetically it was their time to die (i.e.; their biological clock ran out).
What we need to understand is that God is ALWAYS extracting good from evil, so that everything has a purpose and nothing is ever wasted. As for us, we are like children who resent their parents for not letting them do as they want, i.e.; play on the train tracks.