I've been a member of Wincustomize since 2003. I have seen it go from lots of free skins to 99% Premium skins.
The main reason for this is that there are only like 5-7 skinners making windowblinds skins these days, and 3 or 4 of those are masters. Almost every master skinner here still gives away a free skin almost every other skin.
Take myself, for example. I am in need of extra income, having been without income for the most of the past 15 years. I have tried selling dreams, not going so well, but then, I only put out one master dream, so far. I too will soon be selling windowblinds here, hopefully. We have to make a living somehow.
Sorry you feel like giving up on WinCustomize. That action by others is why we only have a handful of skinners left here.