Oh, I would say most people find the ObjectDock works fine on Win10 - it certainly does for me, but selling it rather than offering it as freeware, unsupported, implies a contract with the buyer for a supported piece of software. Sell it and say in big letters on the sales page "Caveat Emptor, this is a product no longer under development, but we will provide "limited" support for users on Win7/8", might be more honest, or simply offer it for free and let it be. Just be moral about it. I suspect if the APIs for the docklets were let out to fans to play with, you'd get a ton of fixes and development for them, even if OD itself remains undeveloped and unchanged.
The Weather docklet is a useful tool, and one it seems a lot of people like to use, I certainly do, but yep, AlMonty there is right, OD does what it is supposed to do, in a way that is useful, weather docklet or not, and I certainly intend to keep using it until it no longer runs.
I came to Stardock originally when I was forced to switch from SGI Unix to Windoze many moons ago and wanted to at least recreate the GUI from SGI, and with Window Blinds, ObjectDock and other bits, I could, more or less, at least enough for me to feel comfortable in the M$ environment and reduce the emotional shock of leaving a well loved system for a deeply inferior one (at the time). Since moving to Win10 I have dropped most of Object Desktop, mostly because it is a resource hog and I no longer feel the need to live in a false Unix universe, but Object Dock remains and is much appreciated.