Hey guys. Just sitting here, thinking about you all, my time here, and getting old.
I have been in a lot of pain the last few years, working harder than I did before I "retired". A few health problems.
I miss the everyday goings on here at WC. Seems like there are soooooo many new names (a good thing), yet soooo many of the old timers are gone. ( A bad thing ) Shame... I know a lot of them are alive, just lost interest, lurking, maybe.
I have a very long list of who I miss.
( Boxxi, you are number one in DX, sorry I'm not gonna get to take you down...lol )
I have several skins unreleased due to the original artist fading away. Good skins, it sucks.
Original skins? I have many, and I have 3 unfinished windowblinds just waiting. The urge is gone.
I test a bit for several skinners here. Gives me something to do, I guess....feel a bit useful.
Looking at stats I see I'm still in the top 3 in top skinners for the last 3 months, yet I haven't skinned in a while. (Dunno how that happened)
I wonder if anyone is still interested in anything other than dreams and windowblinds…..
I miss DesktopX badly. But if no one can get it anymore, kinda takes the wind outta your sails.
I have Master status. Why? Who knows? Truly, I never considered myself a master. I just liked doing the "art". But I feel like I lost a bunch of family sometimes. (My best friend Wiz stands out most, but we have lost many others.)
Ahh, getting old sucks.
I want to end this by saying that I appreciate all the support over the years. This is a good place to be, here at WC. I hope many more skinners, enthusiasts, gamers, etc. decide to become members of our clan. I may not be as visible as I used to be, maybe I'm more of a lurker, but I'm still here. I hope some of you still care if I am. Most of you don't even know me. Sometimes, I miss being PuterDudeJim. RedneckDude is ok, but his stats show him being a tad "newer" that the actual truth. Oldies know...
Good friends, good fun, good memories.