Well I'm not updating to it... too many issues for my liking. Firstly, it is always running in the background chewing up resources. Secondly, I don't want to have to jump through hoops to disable features I don't want running: Eg, Active Monitoring.
I just want CCleaner to run when I want it to, no bullshit running behind the scenes doing stuff I wouldn't like: eg, sending data to whomever and possibly being shared with somebody I wouldn't give the time of day to. No, I have an earlier version with just about everything disabled/switched off. When I need it I go to the shortcut in Fences and activate it myself.
I mean, seriously, think about how many companies/programs using analytics and your user data.... all using YOUR internet bandwidth to operate... and not necessarily in your interests.
Oh, and I took off my tinfoil hat to write this post so it was unaffected by conspiracy theories.