Another we may have lost is CountryYokel from Cornwall....
i remember CountryYokel...
wasn't he the retired farmer...dairy I think.....who used to make windowblinds, but he was colour-blind so his grandaughter used to choose the colours for him?... he was a real character....
Yes, he's the retired dairy farmer who took to skinning WBs as a hobby.... and yes, he was/is colour blind, which make his skins all the more remarkable.
He and I last spoke around 2012, as I recall, with regard to my mother paying him a visit while she was on holiday in Devon and Cornwall. The visit didn't occur due to not being able to find the turn-off to his farm, from what I remember.
BTW, with regard to my mother, we put our differences aside and are now on good speaking terms Life is too short so I reached out to her and we had a great talk. So yeah, all is good there.[
[quote]Yes he was... this is the last blind he made. .... [quote/]
That WB is a bit later than when he and I last spoke... a couple of years, in fact, so hopefully CountryYokel is still with us.... if not skinning then at least enjoying life as best he can.