You should get one of those home brew kits. That way you can make your own beer and fill the glass to overflowing.
That's the plan, and there's a few different styles that I can make. At the moment, though, rather than having to bottle it all, I'm looking into an economical way to get a keg, maybe two.
It probably depends on the bar tender. My Grandfather was a shoemaker and a bar tender. If you run the tap with the glass straight up and down, then you have the foam. He always tilted the glass, whether from a tap or bottle, and there was always a full glass of beer. I also know, some people enjoy the foam. So there you go, it can be either way!
Aussie bartenders always tilt the glass so it is filled to the rim, with just a small head of froth. Here, we just would not accept a glass of beer with a two inch head and not filled to the rim. We get what we pay for.... or else! I still don't get why, in US movies and TV, glasses are rarely, if ever, filled to the top.... and all that froth, it makes for way less than a glassful.
And the other thing, it really pisses me off when there's a bar scene and the characters walk out leaving half of what they do get. I hate waste, and leaving half a beer is the worst kind of waste in my book. GRRR!!
Not really sure on this one, I haven't been to a bar in 40 years or more.
I haven't been to a pub in years now. The high cost of pub beer these days makes it little to no value for money, so I get home supplies at less than half the price from a discount merchant. There is a local football club that I'm a member of, and occasionally I'll pop in for a couple of beers and a counter lunch. It is cheaper than going to a pub, but I haven't been in a while now.