I'm now a fan of the changes to the Forum UI, at least on JU which is where I spend my forum time, FWIW.
But I have a further suggestion:
It would be great if there was a way to mark individual threads as "Read" as opposed to having to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and "Mark all posts as read".
Whenever a spam post occurs & is then removed from a thread you've commented on, the thread still appears as if there is an unread reply per the icon & bold text in the MyReplies list and the name of the spam poster still appears on the right. The spam post toggles the status of the thread but its removal doesn't 'toggle it back', even if that's been the only interim post in the thread. Going to the now 'missing' reply (cause you don't yet know it was spam) doesn't toggle the thread to 'read' status, which is why the ability to then mark that specific thread as 'read' would be helpful. Automatically 'toggling it back' would, strictly speaking, avoid the need for marking individual threads but might be technically tricky since the status toggle understandably involves interaction with my profile when visiting the page.
Not the biggest of issues, but as long as you're there tinkering...
Thanks for listening.