I mean, why would aliens continue to perform anal probes on abductees?
Answer: to test our resolve and endurance to pain. That's important information for possible future invasions.
Another reason is to test our propensity to fight. In the case of needing potential allies when under threat by galactic enemies, these anal probing aliens need to know if we have the fighting spirit... and what better way to discover this than perform painful procedures on parts of our anatomy.
And what way to better hide the experiment, other than to hide in plain sight. Enter the alien proctologist dressed in human clothing.... particularly the one who's light on the Vaseline and lubricated rubber gloves. See! They've been here hiding among us all the time... and we've been blindly subjecting ourselves to objectionable alien shit all this time. Seriously! Like who would volunteer for such an invasive procedure unless a so-called health professional recommended it?
Well I can tell you something right now, they've picked on the wrong bloke if they think they can engage in such activities with me. For a start, I don't have medical insurance and I can't pay. That'll fech 'em up! No money coming in they'll go broke, and with more and more people finding they can't afford medical insurance, hopefully these anal probing quacks 'll go out of business and the human race can once again live in peace, knowing that the aliens don't have up-to-date information and could err in mounting an invasion on incomplete evidence.
So there you have it, folks, super-gluing a 10c coin between your knees mightn't be such a bad idea after all.