That can't be don't get evicted from a backpack...
Um! A home is where you keep all yer stuff... and yer can get evicted'
Similarly, a backpack is where you keep all yer stuff.... and it can be stolen, which if you're a homeowner it pretty much amounts to the same thing.
Speaking of's snake season over here....
Lo and behold...a brownie managed to get into a house via a cat flap.....
For the uninitiated...a 'brownie' is the world's second most deadly snake...
Yeah, I worry about our dogs going outside, and at this time of year with brownies and other snakes about I rather they didn't... but they have to pee somewhere, right! My dog, Buddy, is the alpha male and even bosses his father [Steve's dog] about. But the biggest worry is that he thinks he's the great black hunter - being he's black - and goes after geckos, lizards, moths and huntsmen spiders, etc. It just worries me that he might spot a brownie in the yard and go after it like he does other critters.
As for the brownie being the world's second most deadly snake, many think it is number one. Whereas the Taipan is more venomous, it is more reclusive and tends to shy away from people more... thus less bites. However, the Eastern brown, which is more prevalent and more aggressive, is more prone to bite, often several times when disturbed, and therefore considered Australia's most deadly snake dues to its greater numbers and proximity to built-up, populated areas.