There's a simple way you can make your own video to play in deskscapes.
It sounds like you want a slide show of select photo's to play as a dream,
and you could add music track/tracks if you want.
Just use Windows Movie Maker ( included with Windows )
add the images you want set the times then
add various animations/transitions between images. The program will set your
music to start and stop at the end you can add a fade in or out if you want.
When done save in HD 1920x1080 format.. it will save it as an MP4 .
Then convert ( with a free converter program ) it to a WMV format and you can play it as a video in Deskscape.
If you want to actually make a dream file then convert the MP4 to AVI and make
a dream file to play in deskscapes.
Adding music can mess with a seamless loop sometimes but if for your studio only
should be fine .
You made a few request in the past maybe it's time you give it try yourself it's not hard
and you get it the way YOU want it ..