I never ever thought I'd see a thread having anything good to say about win10 here.
And I'd wash my mouth out with soap and water if I had dared to utter such such a thing, publicly or otherwise. Yup, even if I muttered something remotely like it under my breath to myself, I'd have to wash my mouth out with carbolic soap and water... cos I'd know I muttered it.
I must say, though, the Pro Edition is better than the Home Edition. At least with Pro I can defer updates and not have the monthly fight with WU downloading and installing unnecessary software/drivers that borked my Win 10 Home Edition HP 2-in-1 with monotonous regularity. Even if I uninstalled unnecessary updates and hid them, I'd still get them via Scheduled Maintenance, something that has not occurred thus far with the Pro version [touch wood].
So yeah, while I'm NOT admitting to liking it or anything, my Win 10 experience has been somewhat better with the Pro Edition on my 2nd big beastie than it was/is on my HP 2-in-1 with Home. In fact, I may even upgrade it to the Pro Edition if my usage warrants it now I'm using it less.