I sure hope that is the case Mark. They loaded me up with diuretics and antibiotics last night and most of the swelling has gotten much better.
Yeah, that's pretty much what they did with me and the swelling reduced quite a bit after the first course, which sure pleased me because it was rather painful. What didn't help was that we were still two days out of port when it flared up.
The 1st Mate had some basic first aid knowledge and did what he could to make me comfortable, but getting to the hospital was the best thing since sliced bread at the time... and normally I try to avoid hospitals whenever I can. Still, they are the best places to be when you're really ill, and at the time I was quite unwell. I still don't know for sure what I had. They told me it was a form of yellow fever, and I was severely jaundiced, but I was in the tropics and maybe that had something to do with it.
Oh, and the nurse who mainly cared for me was the cutest, most beautiful islander girl I had ever seen. When I was discharged we went swimming daily together at this fantastic beach with hundreds of coconut palms as well as great fishing. Yup, my time in Bougainville [after the time in hospital, that is] was rather enjoyable, with great people and great scenery.
Anyhow, Wiz, you keep getting better and get plenty of rest, okay.