Please, try not to judge, be nice and drive friendly
There'll be no judgement from me, Greg... tho I'll not be driving friendly at all. I stopped driving a few years back due to not feeing safe behind the wheel anymore. Yeah, various health factors combined to affect my ability to drive safely, and I didn't want to be responsible for causing and accident resulting in somebody being injured or worse.
Anyway, I've gone off topic as usual and I need to get back to what I wanted to say.
The thing is, Greg, it's your choice to do with your skins as you want. Whether you want to upload or not, that's your decision, and whether you want to leave those skins in your library is also up to you. I have a number of your WBs because I like your style, and no doubt I will collect more when you want to upload others, so yeah, keep your hobby alive and enjoy what you are doing.
BTW, Birthday greetings for your upcoming 70'th. I hope your day is happy, fulfilling and enjoyable.