That page shows skins by the date they were initially approved or re-approved, simple logic. There are only about 6 skinners left who create Windowblinds skins now. I do free skins often, so does DaveBax and don5318 does all free skins. vStyler no longer does WB skins, basj does occasionally and neone6 and Vampothika only do Master Skins. There are virtually NO other active WB skinners left.
I produce new skins as Master Skins and like I said free skins also, and I am updating all my Master Skins to work with Windows 10 in alphabetical order. We as skinners have no control as to how they are displayed on the site, and if only Master Skins come in... well that's what users will see.
People continuously pointing this out on the site will make no difference at all, you should be happy there are any WB skinners left at all.