Not this again!
2of3 is correct, at least 80% of those skins are updates of older skins so that they now function properly on Windows 10.
Now, if I were rich and disabled due to serving my country for 22 years, I would probably do more free skins. But I am not rich, and the income, as small as it is after Stardock taking about 35%, is needed to live on.
So please people, stop posting about things over which you have no control and evidently no understanding, Master Skinner's have earned the right to sell their many hours of work. A single Master Skin can take anywhere from 40-80 hours of work!
But yes, Master Skinner's should also release free skins, as a matter of fact, I am working on one now.
So is there any way of hiding a thread on this site so that one never see's it again? Because I for one am getting tired of the many posts like this on the site. They should automatically be deleted.