Lol, At least you C A N Customize it which was my point (that you missed)
Thing is, as MS tightens the screws with Win 10, customisation will eventually become a thing of the past. The excuse to do this will be to tighten security and close exploitable vulnerabilities, but the truth will be that MS wants to run a system that parallels Apple's... one that it controls and has the final say on what can and can't be installed on it. As it is, Windows 10 is uninstalling programs it deems 'unsuitable' for the platform... Speccy and Ccleaner being just two that come to mind.
I suppose Stardock and others will always try to find workarounds to keep customisation alive, but as Microsoft continues to 'hard code' more and more of its OS, I have to wonder just how long that can last. Apple has already 'hard coded' its OS-X in the name of security, and MS is likely to follow suit in its bid for greater control over users choices/options.