First off, find yer own damned expletive to fill in where the stars are.... I'm too tired and fechen lazy after the absolute ******* of a day I've had.
AAARRRHHHH!!!!! Fechen Windows 10. If it were human I'd have fechen strangled it hours ago.
Anyway, getting right to the point, I was damn sick and tired of Win 10 procrastinating, whether or not it'd move, copy or delete files and/or folders as requested. And when it had decided, sometimes it would throw up this error that said a fatal hardware error was preventing the requested operation. What bullshit! The only thing wrong with my hardware is Windows fechen 10 is on it.
So, to cut an even longer story a little shorter.... nah, fech it.... I had to suffer, and so shall you. Anyhow, I decided that the 'upgrade' route was the root of all my problems and that I should do a clean install to get rid of the bullshit. BTW, who ever thought of the 'upgrade route' needs castrating with a dull-edged butter knife. I mean, how fechen stupid was that? As usual I digress yet again and fly off on a whole different tangent. Yup, it's obvious I don't multi-task very well, ain't it? Now, to get back on topic, I downloaded MS media creation tool and the Home Edition of Win 10. Yup, everything was going to plan... or so I thought.
The first thing that went wrong is that I somehow got the Pro Edition... like WTF? When using the MS media creation tool, you get the same edition as your original OS, which in this case IS Win 10 Home. So, after all that time and effort - and hour of my life I can never regain.... and at my age.... uh oh,there I go again - I can't damn well personalise anything, I can't change various settings.... I can't fechen activate the damned OS. So back to the fechen drawing board I go.... right back to square one cos I no longer have the 'upgraded' version of 10 and NO original OS to wind back to.
By now I'm having to use Shaunna's Win 10 laptop to create a new installation disc... and I used the same method with the same tools, yet the new ISO disc won't boot. And I couldn't use the installation files because Windows setup simply wanted to refresh the Pro edition, which was useless to me without a valid Pro product key. What a pain in the proverbial! Like I needed this crap on a day that didn't begin too well and just got worse as it progressed. Should have stayed in fechen bed.... and nobody had better say it: "Why, the 'software' in there works no better."
The third installation disc worked, however, and I was able to boot from disc to perform a disc clean up, etc, prion to setup. Fortunately, I have a working PC again and I'm not getting those niggling 'fatal' errors all the time. Now why couldn't it have installed cleanly like that the first time? Cos it's damned fechen contrary Windows 10, that's why. I would have much preferred Win 8.1 on my HP 2-in-1, but I don't have a spare copy... and I gave away all my copies of Win 7 to family.
Oh well, I have Win 10, like it or not, and I don't, but it is a little better since the reformat/clean install.